Advanced Genealogy

9/23/21 added US History Q&A in our For the Kids.
9/23/21 added free resources for teachers.
8-21Rootsweb pages have been recovered by Rebecca Maloney is our volunteer. I hope to encourage schools to begin to utilize this project all around the USA. Currently I am updating links and making corrections to the site. Contact me with questions or information to add!
Learning Genealogy!
This is where you can find out about taking your first steps to learn genealogy. I have tried to provide an easy to understand guide that you can use to start the interesting journey into where your family comes from.
If you have never done genealogy this is where to start. -
If you have some experiance, try these next steps. -
This is where to learn about where and how to find more sources.
Please let me know If you find any problems with the links on this site or if you have an idea for this page. You can email Rebecca Maloney
Please let me know If you find any problems with the links on this site or if you have an idea for this page. You can email
Stuff for Kids
Q: When did the American Civil War end?
A: May 9, 1865 If you thought the Civil War ended when Robert E. Lee surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant, on April 9, 1865, you'd be off the mark. Following the Battle of Appomattox Court House in Virginia on April 9, 1865, it took a full month for the union to declare victory. But, once confederate Joseph E. Johnston, surrendered his army on April 26, 1865, the war was all but over. President Andrew Johnson officially declared victory on May 9, 1865.
For Teachers
Help with Genealogy lessons in our unusual modern classrooms
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