
Welcome to The USGenWeb Kidz!
I am your host for the USGenWeb Kidz Project, my name is Rebecca Maloney. I hope to make your visit here a fun and informative one. Enjoy :)
This page is dedicated mainly to helping you learn about Genealogy. It will hope it will also give you some insight into History as well. I am providing a page of how to's for beginners, an intermediate page for the next step in genealogy, and an advanced information locating help page. So no matter what your level of genealogy experience you will benefit from this page.
I have also provided you with some extra helpful links for doing related homework. You can use these to give you skills to do research in all fields of School work. There is also a page for you to connect with other Schools on line in Colorado, so you can do joint projects with them. I even have a Message board and a link to a Teen mailing list, so you can work together with others, and a Teachers Page to help give ideas for lesson plans.
Please let me know If you find any problems with the links on this site or if you have an idea for this page. You can email
Stuff for Kids
Q: How many people were killed in the Salem Witch Trials?
A: Twenty people were executed for suspicion of witchcraft (usually by hanging, not burning at the stake), and five more died in jail.
For Teachers
Notice for Teachers and Librarians! Free Teleconference for K-12 Libraries was broadcast Friday, October 10, 2003 "Digital Treasures for Teaching and Learning" available now for your review on streaming video via the Web. Read more…
I would be glad to add any additional lesson plans that you would like to send to me.